Nutrition Blog
Explore practical tips and dive deeper into healthy eating and personalized nutrition information through insightful articles written by our experienced health professionals. From managing conditions like high blood pressure and food allergies to guidance on achieving a balanced, healthy lifestyle, our articles provide valuable insights for everyone.
TOP 5 of False Beliefs That Are Expected Most Often
Intuitive eating, Healthy eating
In the nutrition field, it is often difficult to distinguish truths from falsehoods.
5 Tips to Help you When Eating Out
Healthy eating
Eating out can be a real pleasure, but it doesn't mean giving up on healthy eating.
TeamNutrition in your Company
Healthy eating
Using ÉquipeNutrition's nutritionists means offering an enriching, different and fun activity that…
The Best Food Hacks from our Nutritionist Dominique Longpré
Sports nutrition, Recipes, Healthy eating, Women's health, Plant-based diets
We all have our own little things that make our lives easier. So here are my nutrient tips to help…
4 Tips to Stop Overeating on Weekends
Intuitive eating, Healthy eating
You're not alone in thinking that all the efforts you put in during the week are undone by weekend…
5 Reasons to Reach your Healthy Weight this Year
Weight loss
After a holiday period marked by over-consumption of alcohol and food, January begins with many…
Zero Calories, Zero Consequences?
Intuitive eating, Weight loss, Healthy eating
In recent decades, the artificial sweetener industry has grown considerably.
Am I Really Hungry?
Intuitive eating, Healthy eating, Mental health, Eating Disorders
It's not easy to lose weight or even maintain a healthy weight in a society where food is not just…