Myth and Reality: Dairy products often spark debates and questions about their health benefits. With so much conflicting information circulating on the internet, it can be challenging to distinguish truth from falsehoods. In this article, we will examine some common myths surrounding dairy products and debunk these misconceptions. By understanding the actual facts, you will be able to make informed decisions regarding your dairy consumption while taking care of your health. Whether you're a fan of yogurt, cheese, or milk, discover the truth about dairy products and how to incorporate them balancedly into your diet.
Yogurt is loaded with sugar, even plain yogurt contains it
It is true that dairy products contain lactose, a natural sugar. However, lactose does not have the same impact on insulin as white sugar. Moreover, dairy products are also a source of protein, which slows down the sugar absorption. For example, flavored yogurt may contain around 25g of sugar per 175g serving, while plain yogurt contains about 10g. The difference of 15g is due to other added ingredients for flavor, mainly fruit and sugar. To reduce the amount of added sugar, you can add a small amount of maple syrup or use maple essence to enhance the flavor without significantly increasing the sugar content. If you, like me, love the taste of maple and find half a teaspoon of syrup for 100g of yogurt to be very little, try maple essence! It's a great way to intensify the flavor without adding more sugar!
Dairy producers influence the government and nutritionists to promote their products
The new Canadian Food Guide has eliminated the influence of lobbying and is now based solely on unbiased scientific studies. Nutritionists are also obligated to provide evidence-based advice rather than personal opinions. Their university education prepares them to critically analyze scientific publications and provide personalized, science-based recommendations.
Humans are not adapted to drink milk
The ability to digest lactose varies from person to person. The majority of the European and North American populations continue to produce the necessary enzyme for lactose digestion, while some African, Asian, and Middle Eastern populations have lost this ability. It is important to consume what is suitable for your body and preferences.
If lactose intolerant, all dairy products should be avoided
Symptoms of lactose intolerance can vary from person to person. Some may tolerate firm cheeses despite their intolerance. It is also important to note that emotional stress can have a similar impact on digestion.
Milk is pro-inflammatory
Dairy products are not pro-inflammatory but rather anti-inflammatory. Undigested lactose serves as fuel for good gut bacteria, which play a key role in our immunity. Additionally, the fermentation of yogurt, kefir, and cheeses, thanks to the probiotics they contain, helps maintain the balance of our gut microbiota.
It is important to emphasize that if you have eliminated dairy products from your diet, it is possible to meet your protein, calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and probiotic needs through other food sources.
In conclusion, dairy products should not be avoided at all costs. By choosing less sugary options, diversifying your diet, and listening to your body, you can enjoy the benefits of dairy products while taking care of your health. It is important to make informed decisions and find a balance that suits your body and personal preferences.
If you are interested in distancing yourself from the dairy industry and animal farming in general, our guide for a successful transition to vegetarianism might be of interest to you.