Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | What Should I Eat ?

Healthy eating
Women's health
femme assise avec un bol de kiwis et deux altères rouges

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, may have a genetic origin and causes an imbalance of sex hormones in the body.

PCOS is characterized by:

  • Excessive production of testosterone (a male steroid hormone), which is normally produced in small amounts in women.
  • Infrequent, irregular, or even absent menstrual periods.

Relationship between PCOS and weight

Hormonal imbalance has a long-term impact on weight. The question that remains unclear to this day is:

Is obesity the cause of PCOS, or does PCOS lead to long-term weight gain?

Whether it's one or the other, the nutritional recommendations for individuals with this syndrome remain the same!

Dietary Recommendations | Nutrition:

1. Opt for fiber-rich foods

Not only are they beneficial for nourishing the gut microbiota, but they also help maintain better glycemic control. Fiber reduces the speed of carbohydrate absorption, which limits blood sugar spikes. This is especially important for women with PCOS at risk or with insulin resistance.

Food sources: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

2. Choose good sources of fats and limit unhealthy sources of fats

According to several studies, individuals with PCOS have a higher risk of atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries) than the general population. Good fats help normalize cholesterol levels and promote heart health.

Food sources of "good" fats: fatty fish (salmon, trout, sardines), nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils (olive, canola, sunflower).

Food sources of "bad" fats: red meats, processed meats, pastries, and hydrogenated oils.

3. Opt for "lean" sources of protein

Protein not only helps achieve a feeling of satiety but also helps control blood sugar and weight.

Food sources of lean proteins: poultry, fish, low-fat dairy products, eggs, and legumes.

Individuals with this syndrome often feel a heavy burden. As a result, their diet may be neglected. Do not hesitate to consult one of our dietitians. They will be pleased to accompany you and help you make better food choices!

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist