TeamNutrition is proud to launch the KoalaPro App and it's Premium version, a tool specially designed to help your clients and employees change their lifestyle for the better. KoalaPro Premium includes access to many tools:
Video workout capsules for all levels
Workout videos of an accessible length (10 to 30 minutes) and a variety of exercices (yoga, HIIT, tabata, cardioboxing, etc.) can help your clients and employees integrate physical activity into their daily lives. New videos are available every week to ensure constant novelty. The videos are also designed to reach a range of fitness levels, with some videos being suitable for the fitness enthusiast and others for the already very active person.
Exclusive recipes created and reviewed by our nutritionists
New tasty and nutritious recipes are available every week. The recipes are suitable for healthy adults while some are also designed for specific pathologies (diabetes, cholesterol, weight management, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, etc.) or individual preferences (vegetarianism, 15 minutes and less, etc.). Recipe selection criteria can be selected in the filter bar.
Exclusive discounts on products selected by our dietitians
With a total value of $250, our exclusive discounts allow your patients or employees to choose nutritious products while encouraging the local economy. These products are selected by our dietitians for their nutritional quality as well as for their usefulness in the management of certain pathologies (celiac disease, irritable bowel, etc.).
Capsules and articles on nutrition
Capsules and articles on various nutrition-related topics, particularly on mindful eating, are added to the portal every month. They can increase the nutrition knowledge of your patients or employees while helping them change their lifestyle habits.
Access to KoalaPro - a health application to track your clients' progress
Did you know that according to the new Canadian clinical practice guidelines for obesity, the use of technological strategies results in significantly greater weight loss and better clinical outcomes for obese patients (1)? With this in mind, TeamNutrition has developed KoalaPro, a mobile application that allows your clients to track the progress of their goals. In addition to weight, the application allows you to follow the evolution of laboratory data for cardiovascular health, diabetes and anemia.
For more information to provide to your patients or employees, feel free to check out our explanatory article for the general public.
1. Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. Emerging Technologies and Virtual Medicine in Obesity Management (Online). https://obesitycanada.ca/guidelines/technologies/