Our Registered dietitians and nutritionists in Markham Toronto are determined to guide you towards achieving your health and wellness goals.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in Markham and Toronto, GTA
As a Registered Dietitian in Toronto and Markham, Timothy Leung is a Toronto Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist with a Master of Science in Biochemistry from Western University, where he explored the molecular mechanisms of cancer. After receiving his certification as a registered dietitian at McGill University, he now provides personalized nutrition consultations in Markham, addressing the diverse needs of the community, including Cantonese-speaking clients.
A member of the College of Dietitians of Ontario (CDO) and the Ordre des diététistes nutritionnistes du Québec (ODNQ), Timothy draws on his extensive clinical and research expertise to support your journey toward better health.
Whether you’re managing a chronic condition, looking to improve your diet, or seeking to integrate traditional dietary practices into a modern lifestyle, Timothy is here to guide you every step of the way. Consultations are available in both English and Cantonese. Connect with Timothy today and take the first step toward healthier living.
註冊營養師及營養顧問 - Markham, Toronto, GTA
梁迦南(Timothy) 是一位註冊營養師,擁有西安大略大學的生物化學碩士學位,專注於癌症的分子機制研究。在獲得麥基爾大學的註冊營養師資格後,他現在於萬錦市(Markham) 提供個人化的營養諮詢服務,以滿足社區的多元需求,包括講粵語的客戶。
作為安大略省營養師學會 (CDO) 和魁北克省註冊營養師協會 (ODNQ) 的成員,Timothy 憑藉其廣泛的臨床和研究專業知識,支持您邁向更健康的生活。
無論您是管理慢性疾病、改善飲食,還是希望將傳統飲食習慣融入現代生活方式,Timothy 都可以在每一步為您提供專業指導,提供英文和粵語的諮詢服務。請立即聯繫Timothy,踏出邁向更健康生活的第一步。
Nutrition consultations Ontario
Meet our nutrition professionals at an office near you or virtually from the comfort of your home.