Myths and Diabetes

Chronic diseases
Healthy eating
Woman eating salmon served on a bed of asparagus and rice

There are many beliefs about diabetes that need to be debunked. Here are 3 myths that are frequently heard regarding diabetes and glycemic control.

1. When you live with diabetes, you have to cut out all sugars

False! Carbohydrates are not forbidden and it is even necessary to eat them! However, we must eat a reasonable amount and make sure we spread them out over the day. Generally, we aim for 45 to 75 g of carbohydrates per meal or 15 to 30 g per snack, if necessary.

2. If there are no symptoms, diabetes is necessarily well controlled

False! A person can feel very well, have no symptoms, but have a poorly managed diabetes. But why is it important to have well-controlled diabetes? Because in the long term, poor management can lead to many irreversible consequences (such as eye, kidney and nerve damage). To check if the diabetes is well regulated, it is important to check our blood sugar levels and follow our doctor's advice.

3. If our blood sugar level is high in the morning, it means that we ate too much sugar the day before

False! The opposite is true though. Glucose (a form of carbohydrate) is essential for all of our cells, especially our brain. If we do not eat enough carbohydrates, our body will produce glucose to ensure our survival. So when we don't eat enough carbohydrates before going to bed, our body produces glucose during the night. The result? Blood sugar levels will be high in the morning!

If you have questions about diabetes or would like to be accompanied, don't worry. That's what the dietitian is there for!


  • Carbohydrates: A large class of macronutrients that provide us with energy (4 kcal/g) and includes all types of sugars (fibre, starch, sugar in foods, etc.)
  • Sugars: A synonym for carbohydrates, but in everyday language it refers to refined carbohydrates (such as white sugar or sugar in sweets)
  • Fiber: A form of carbohydrate that is not absorbed by our bodies, but is very helpful in regulating blood sugar levels and aids our digestion.
  • Glucose: A form of simple carbohydrate, the prefered source of energy of all cells in our body
  • Blood sugar level: The amount of glucose in our blood
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