3 Common Myths About Nutrients We Frequently Hear

Healthy eating
Evive smoothie

In collaboration with Evive

1. Oranges are the food that contains the most 

vitamin C

"Eat an orange and get your fill of vitamin C: Winter is coming!" Although we frequently hear this kind of statement, this is not entirely true. Among fruits and vegetables, peppers contain the most vitamin C (almost 60% more than oranges!). To fill up on this vitamin, the Evive - Immunity smoothie can be a great option, especially when you're in a hurry and want to get more vitamin C!

But then, what is the connection between this vitamin and our immune system? According to a meta-analysis (1) (a rigorous synthesis of the scientific literature), vitamin C does not necessarily reduce the incidence of colds in the general population, but it does reduce their duration. However, in individuals subjected to periods of intense exercise, it could help prevent colds. Nevertheless, vitamin C needs are generally met by a balanced diet and supplementation is not necessary in many cases.

2. Carbohydrates are the fastest source of energy used by the body

"Eat carbs, it will give you a quick boost!" This is not entirely untrue. Carbohydrates (or sugars) are absorbed very quickly, much faster than other energy sources we consume, such as proteins and lipids (or fats). However, over time, a category of fats has been discovered that are metabolized by the body in no time. These are called MCT oils or medium chain triglycerides. Because of their small size, these fats can travel more quickly (2) through our digestive tract and enter our cells (3) to be easily converted into energy.

MCT oils can be found in powder, liquid format and even in Evive - Energy smoothies! However, it is important to remember that when we have a small craving, a snack containing enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates can support us well.

3. There is no link between what we eat and our mood

It is well known that when we eat foods that we enjoy and appreciate, it has positive effects on our overall sense of well-being. But what about more specific nutrients? Although the scientific literature (4) is rather thin on this subject, certain biochemical compounds found in many foods could affect our mood. Lavender, found in the form of essential oil, syrup, flower and even in Evive - Zen smoothies, is associated with calming properties, mainly because of its possible effects on neurotransmission (5).

*A small warning: the ingestion of essential oils, although recently popular, can be dangerous. It would therefore probably be wiser to save our precious essential oils for our diffuser.

It can sometimes be difficult to sort out all the nutritional information we see on the internet. Fortunately, a dietitian can help us see things more clearly! For a first consultation or for more information, just click here!



  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23440782/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23440782/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27080715/
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26523950/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3612440/ 
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in Montreal