How Much Should I Weigh?

Intuitive eating
Weight loss
Pied sur une balance avec post it coeur - Foot on scale with a heart post it

The pursuit of an "ideal" weight is often focused on the Body Mass Index (BMI), a commonly used measure, but alone, it does not account for the complexities of body health. This approach raises questions about its universal application and its ability to accurately reflect individual health.

What is BMI?

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a ratio calculated from your weight and height. Commonly used in the medical field, it aims to determine a range of weight considered ‘’healthy’’ according to their standards for a given person.

Limitations of BMI

Ethnic Diversity

four smiling women with different body types and skin colors

Research indicates that BMI may not accurately reflect body composition across different ethnicities. For example, some populations may have a different body fat percentage at the same BMI. (1)

Specifics for Transgender Individuals

BMI does not take into account the specifics of transgender individuals, including the impact of hormonal therapy on the distribution of muscle and fat mass. (2)

Individual Uniqueness

dietitian-nutritionist calculating BMI on a calculator

Health and well-being cannot be reduced to a mathematical formula, highlighting the importance of considering each individual holistically. Indeed, BMI does not account for muscle mass, bone density, fat distribution, and other factors that contribute to overall health.

Two people with the same BMI may have radically different body compositions. For instance, an athlete might be classified as "obese" according to their BMI, while they are actually extremely muscular and in good health.

Alternative of Intuitive Eating

happy man eating a poke bowl

Intuitive eating is based on listening to the hunger and satiety signals that our body sends us, while allowing a free and unrestricted approach to food. This method can lead to a more peaceful relationship with eating. By paying attention to these internal signals and adequately meeting its needs, a person can naturally achieve and maintain a stable weight. This stable weight is often a sign of good physical and mental health, as it reflects a balance between what our body needs and what we provide it with. (3)

So, what should your ideal weight be?

person standing barefoot on a scale

This question goes beyond the scope of BMI to embrace a holistic view of health, incorporating physical, mental, and emotional factors. The natural weight is the weight your body naturally reaches when you are not overly restrictive. This weight may be different from the "healthy weight" usually advised, but that does not mean you have bad habits.

Practical Tips

  • Priority to Overall Health: More than weight, indicators such as energy level, sleep quality, and the ability to perform daily activities are crucial.
  • Listening to the Body: Adopting a diet that meets individual needs is preferable to a fixation on numbers.
  • Professional Support: For a tailored approach, our registered dietitians-nutritionists are here to listen to you.

In conclusion, the "ideal" weight transcends numbers to reflect a personal and global balance. Our team is here to guide you towards lasting well-being, beyond mere calculations. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a registered dietitian-nutritionist.



  1. Wang, J. et al. (2000). Variations in body composition with ethnicity. Journal of Applied Physiology.
  2. Jones, B.A. et al. (2017). Health considerations for transgender women and remaining unknowns: a narrative review. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism.
  3. Tribole, E. & Resch, E. (1995). Intuitive Eating. A revolutionary program that works.
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