Do you want to deepen your thinking about food or are you looking for culinary inspiration? Here are 5 books for the general public that will satisfy you. Plus, these books are from Quebec, so there's nothing better than supporting local authors!
Mangez local! – Julie Aubé
Eating locally, responsibly, and sustainably is an idea that resonates with you? Divided according to the twelve months of the year, this book written by nutritionist Julie Aubé will provide you with simple and realistic solutions to follow the rhythm of the seasons. You will discover tips, tricks, recipes, and preservation techniques to develop over the months.
La jungle alimentaire: comment s’y retrouver – Julie Desgroseilliers
At the supermarket, it is often difficult to make informed choices among the enormous variety of products offered by the food industry. Reading nutritional labels, deciphering marketing strategies, shopping guides, and recipes to imitate popular commercial products, this book by nutritionist Julie Desgroseilliers will equip you to regain control over your grocery cart.
Savoureux, sain et végétarien! – ÉquipeNutrition
Do you find that incorporating vegetarian meals into your diet comes with its challenges? In this e-book, the nutritionists from ÉquipeNutrition offer you practical solutions to alleviate concerns that may arise with vegetarian eating: nutritional deficiencies, flavors, preservation, and organization. Plus, 25 delicious recipes are provided for your gustatory pleasure!
Explique-moi…les aliments – Ricardo Larrivée
Educational, illustrated, and fun, this book written by Chef Ricardo and his team answers the most common questions children have about food. In addition, this book includes tips, tricks, information about the chemistry of food, and, of course, delicious recipes. Pleasure and learning guaranteed, both for children and adults!
N’avalez pas tout ce qu’on vous dit – Bernard Lavallée
In this era where information is more accessible than ever, consumers are daily bombarded with nutrition messages. This book will equip you to demystify the truth from the falsehoods conveyed by the media, the food industry, and pseudo-experts. A practical, well-explained, and illustrated work to protect yourself from nutritional misinformation.
Happy reading!