Private physiotherapy and occupational therapy clinics in Montreal, Laval, and Longueuil (south shore)
The CMI Clinics are integrated medicine clinics, spread throughout Montreal and surrounding areas.
Thus, the clinics in Longueuil, Laval, Côte Vertu, Saint-Laurent, Crémazie, and Mirabel offer a wide range of disciplines including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, mental health occupational therapy, and a specialized department for hand therapy. This last department consists of some of the few "Certified Hand Therapists".
The entire CMI Clinics team is ready to welcome you in the different locations, to provide you with the best possible health care.
Here's an overview of some of the disciplines that coexist and complement each other within the CMI Clinics to best assist patients.
Physiotherapy clinics in Montreal and surrounding areas
Each of the six CMI Clinics have a department for physiotherapy. This discipline is for everyone. That is, you do not need a prescription from a doctor to start physiotherapy treatment.
Whether you have sustained a workplace injury, hurt yourself during sports practice, whether it's running or basketball, or simply wish to prevent injuries, you can make an appointment with a physiotherapist.
All the physiotherapists at the CMI Clinics are members of the Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ). Specializing in musculoskeletal disorders, they provide their expertise to patients to help relieve their pain and assist in a safe and long-lasting return to their activities (work, sport).
Before starting the treatment, a plan is established based on an evaluation that aims to determine the origin and cause of the pain. Thus, the treatment plan is tailored to each patient, and it can evolve over time.
Pain management (reduction and prevention of new pain), rehabilitation, and strengthening are at the heart of the discipline.
Many techniques can be used, such as manual therapy, myofascial release, education, and exercise instruction or even taping.
Whether your condition is identified or not, or whether you are experiencing back or knee pain, make an appointment directly at one of our physiotherapy clinics.
Example of treated conditions:
- Lumbar sprain
- Knee sprain
- Ankle sprain
- Disc herniation
- Shoulder tendinitis
- Elbow tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Frozen shoulder
- And many others.
Focus on sports physiotherapy
Physiotherapy treats many conditions but also addresses specific health issues. Many athletes (experienced or beginners) consult in this discipline.
This ranges from the seasoned athlete with too high a training load and who experiences knee pain, to the "Sunday" athlete who just started exercising and who imposed too much physical effort on their body.
In addition to treating pain, physiotherapy plays a preventive and educational role, to prevent the appearance of new symptoms. This involves advice on posture, the importance of warming up and stretching.
The occupational therapy department of the CMI Clinics in Montreal and surrounding areas
What is occupational therapy and how to explain it?
Occupational therapy is a discipline that treats the impacts of an injury or a condition on an individual's daily life. In other words, the goal of occupational therapy is to support the patient in resuming their functional capabilities, maintaining them, and encouraging a fear-free return to their activities.
Occupational therapy follow-up may be relevant after an accident or injury, in the case where the individual sees their daily life affected by the event in question, such as a wrist tendinitis that would prevent a person who works in front of a computer screen from resuming their activity.
In this sense, occupational therapy can be a major ally in preparing for a return to employment.
What does an occupational therapy session look like?
An occupational therapy follow-up begins with an evaluation, to define the causes of the pain and to what extent they affect the individual's daily life.
Occupational therapists have a holistic view of the patient's condition. They are interested in the environment (social, professional, physical) that revolves around the latter.
In occupational therapy, activity and movement are at the heart of the process, as this falls into the overall goal of restoring the patient's capabilities but also their self-esteem.
An occupational therapy session varies from one patient to another, depending on their needs, irritability, and tolerance. Therapists are committed to building a trusting relationship with the patient.
The different techniques used also vary, but a session could include a personalized program of exercises or stretches. The simulation and teaching of strategies to manage symptoms are also an integral part of an occupational therapy treatment.
If you have had an accident and it is affecting your daily life, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor. They will be able to judge the right timing to start occupational therapy.
The mental health occupational therapy department
Who is mental health occupational therapy for? What is the goal of follow-up?
Daily life is organized around different spheres, the professional, family or social environment. Sometimes an event occurs (accident, conflict, loss of a loved one), and it disrupts our balance and affects our mental health.
When this is the case, our daily activities can sometimes be shaken, and this can result in an inability to return to work or carry out daily activities.
The role of mental health occupational therapy is to help people who suffer from mental health problems restore and maintain a quality of life, regain a functional life routine, through among other things a return to their activities (work, leisure).
This approach puts the individual at the center of the process. Thus, many topics can be discussed during the treatment: symptom and emotion management, motivational maintenance, or even planning the return to work and other daily activities.
What is the role of a mental health occupational therapist?
The role of the occupational therapist is first to identify the causes that prevent the patient from going about their daily activities, by analyzing their environment and functioning (at home, at work, in their social life).
Once this is done, their goal is to give them all the necessary keys to bring them back to their life routine and balance, and to allow them to return to work.
The occupational therapist also plays a role as a pillar for the patient, which is why a relationship of trust between the therapist and the patient is established from the start of the treatment.
When to consult? What signs should alert?
It is not always obvious to know when things are going badly. Some changes in behavior, emotions, and habits can guide the suffering person, as well as their entourage (family, friends), about a need to receive help.
The signs that should alert are great fatigue, a state of sadness, a state of anxiety, isolation or the modification of daily habits (sleeping or eating less or more, a decrease in hygiene).
Mental health should not wait, and it's never too early or too late to seek help. If you notice the appearance of one or more of these signs, do not hesitate to discuss it with your doctor, so that you can receive all the necessary help.
Discover all our services directly on our website, cliniquecmi.com.