5 Facts About TeamNutrition's Culture

5 Facts About TeamNutrition's Culture EquipeNutrition

1. Full Support from the Moment You're Hired

We know how challenging one-on-one counselling can be for many nutritionists. The constant evolution of nutrition information and the need to stay current on a wide range of conditions can seem daunting at the beginning of a career.

At TeamNutrition, our team has made it our mission to build a comprehensive integration program that meets your needs and provides maximum support. We offer training, orientation, and mentoring to help you transform this challenge into an inspiring and successful professional and personal growth experience.

2. The Strength of a Caring Professional Network

Gone is the isolation of individual private practice! At TeamNutrition, we support each other, share information, and encourage community. Our nutritionists collaborate despite the distance that separates us, to constantly learn from each other and encourage our collective growth and professionalism. 

3. A Philosophy of Continuous Improvement: Let's Find What We Don't Yet Know!

“The purpose of learning is not to affirm our beliefs, but to evolve them.” –Adam Grant

Continuous learning is a must at TeamNutrition—it promotes curiosity, humility, credibility, scientific integrity, and progress within our culture of excellence. Develop your skills and grow your knowledge as a generalist through at least six in-house training sessions per year, an annual budget for books and courses, and bi-monthly discussion tables. 

4. The Knowledge That You're Bettering Our Profession

TeamNutrition is dedicated to ambitious projects to promote the expertise and credibility of nutritionists in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. 

Through innovation, we continually raise the quality of services and management beyond client expectations. We offer fully digitized charting and client account platforms, our exclusive proprietary portal with tools to assist with consultations, our KoalaPro health application, and access to a food diary equipped with artificial intelligence.

We also have the trust of many partners, including four Quebec universities, numerous health organizations, and medical clinics.

Combine your unique know-how and human-centred approach with our innovation to increase the impact of your current health interventions and processes.

5. Access to Career Advancement Opportunities

A full-time job with both stability and benefits is possible at TeamNutrition. Our ideal working conditions encourage professional growth and a fulfilling long-term career in private practice. Complementary mandates to consulting are also available depending on your unique needs, interests, and skills.

TeamNutrition values and rewards initiative through intrapreneurship: put your ideas into action with full team support at your disposal. 

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in Repentigny